and UP! :)
Here we have Pinterest work #1 for Jessey...
which Randy commented on tonight, saying that it is amazingly clever... wondering how you did it...thought the drips were so cool... (just so you know!! :)
as well as work #2 - turquoise tshirt necklace/bracelet combo
which I am very excited to wear with a good white shirt/jeans combo...
And here we have Pinterest work #1 for Joy (even though Jessey slightly contributed):
unfortunately no photos are available of our actual product due to how rapidly it was devoured in a house of 7 people.... so instead i will put up an adorable photo of a beloved nephew:
Any who... so the score update as of today is 2 to 1, Jess leading. The contest is going to run through Thanksgiving 2012, Lord willing.
I was thinking we could also randomly post on here if ever desired -- you know, sister secrets, photos, giggle moments, etc.
Much missing and loving for you dear one!