Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my next contributions

ooooo.... i loved your stuff!!! the stocking is PERFECT! and those paper stars are awesome... i'd wanted to try some similar to those myself -- but i'll just wait till you can teach me in person, :) Lord willing... oh and they both totally count -- i know exactly what you're talking about about the pinterest influence

ok here's some mo'!

I took a painting technique that I saw in another canvas to do this baby...
here's the other one...

(mine is a little man thinking of the verse)

Here's #6! it's kinda hard to tell in the picture but it's a garland out of antique book pages and hemp twine. I wrapped it around one of my lamps :)

it's a combination of these three pins... number one... number two... and number three...


Friday, December 9, 2011

my 3&(maybe)4

hello sweet sister!

I'm sorry this has taken me a lot longer than I'd like to post this!  here we are :).

Alright my first one is a definite YES.  There's no question of it counting because I totally played by the rules.  it's paper origami & I really like it.  I've been doing it a bunch with different types & weights of paper, and I think the thinnest paper is the easiest.  Here's the finished product:

 it's really easy to make.  My fingers hurt these days--the skin at the tips are all tender & irritated because of so much time on the computer.  isn't that weird?  Anyway, that means that doing anything with rough surfaces is frustrating on my fingers.  Also, paper sucks all the juice right out of your skin, so it's not a good thing.  That means that I love this craft and I hate this craft all at the same time.  I taught my friend Kristie how to do it last night, and that was a really sweet time.  Ok that's my #3.

Now onto number four.

If how much I like the stars were a 6, I'd like this next one a 60.  The problem is that I didn't really interact with pinterest for this one.  However, it's safe to say that I've spent so much time on there that pinterest doubtless helped with my:
     1. courage
     2. idea processing
     3. choosing scrabble tiles

I embroidered Becca's stocking!  I don't think she's seen the stocking yet, but I'm excited for her to.  If you remember, I made this baby right after last Christmas, but I never liked the Christmas tree I put on the front of it.  Also, Randy's stocking has a Christmas tree, so that's already taken (and we don't want to label all the in-laws as Christmas tree only).  So then I was talking with Mom about how nice it would be to do something with scrabble since she loves it so much, and then it came to us!  I really like it.  #4?  I think so.

haha and here is a perfect snapshot of what getting the tree ready was like at our house this year:
"hahahah Dad how in the world did that happen?  Anyway don't move!  I want to go get my iPad to take a picture!"
"I'm stuck..it' not like I could move if it wanted to"

In other news, Dad is getting sassier & sassier.  and loving it.  

We're all so excited to see you this Christmas!  it's coming soon!

Friday, December 2, 2011

numero 3&4

heeeeeere we are... #3

sweet potato fries! with that left over potato from thanksgiving.
they were yummy... but I used a bit too much corn starch. less is more apparently. 

Here is my #4. Putting stickers down on a canvas (in my case a piece of wonderfully free wood) and then spray painting over the letters... It worked well except when I sprayed the paint my second S in bless blew off... so Bles the Lord is what I need to adjust...  :)

love you sissy.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

just kidding!


I forgot! I did another! (again with a little help- but I'm counting it for MEEEEE buahaaha)

I guess we're tied, precious! 

it's fixed....

and UP! :)

Here we have Pinterest work #1 for Jessey...
which Randy commented on tonight, saying that it is amazingly clever... wondering how you did it...thought the drips were so cool...  (just so you know!! :)

as well as work #2 - turquoise tshirt necklace/bracelet combo
which I am very excited to wear with a good white shirt/jeans combo...

And here we have Pinterest work #1 for Joy (even though Jessey slightly contributed):

unfortunately no photos are available of our actual product due to how rapidly it was devoured in a house of 7 people....  so instead i will put up an adorable photo of a beloved nephew:

Any who... so the score update as of today is 2 to 1, Jess leading. The contest is going to run through Thanksgiving 2012, Lord willing.

I was thinking we could also randomly post on here if ever desired -- you know, sister secrets, photos, giggle moments, etc.

Much missing and loving for you dear one!